Here you will find how to get the permission to visit the Islands of the natural park with your boat and the links to book your anchorage.

Sálvora, Cortegada, Ons and Cies offer good anchorages to enjoy their beautiful beaches and landscapes. Visiting any of them is a must for all sailors passing through Galicia.

The islands belong to the Galician Atlantic Islands Maritime-Terrestrial National Park. It is a protected space subject to restrictions.

You can go there any day of the year but access to the islands is limited. There are a limited number of anchorage set for each island and day. To visit them you have to request permission from the Park. The permission can be requested online, but first you have to be registered in the Park. You have to get the navigation permission.



1 / Obtain navigation permission

Sign up at the Park to get your username and password from the reservation website. Process it as far in advance as you can. The park may take days to answer you.

Send to

  1. The Registration form filled and signed.
  2. Copy of the owners boat ID.
  3. Copy of the ship’s Maritime Registry.

They will answer you by mail with your username and password to access the park reservation website.
The navigation permit is automatically renewed every 2 years. You do not have to do anything.

2 / Request anchoring permission.

Once you have the navigation permit, they will send to you your username and password to be able to access the reservation website and request the anchoring permission for the day you want to go. This step is immediate. You only have to inform through the reservation website when you are going to go and if there are places available, permission is granted automatically. If there are no places available the application will appear rejected in the website.

Access the Park reservation website
On the website, indicate which island you are going to go to, the date and how many people are going to go. It can be booked up to a week in advance.


In high season (June-September) weekend reservations sell out quickly. In this period you can only book up to 7 days in advance. The locals reserve a place at the moment in which the reservations for one day are opened a week before at 00:00. Reserve your place one week in advance.




/ You have to request an anchoring permission even if you are not going to spend the night.

/ If you are going to spend the night, request the permission for the day you arrive. You can stay until noon the next day.
/ Even if you do not go to anchor if you do not have a navigation permit, you cannot approach the islands with the boat.
/ If you decide not to go, you have to cancel the permission through the Park’s reservation website.
/ You can request up to x permits in a week and you cannot spend more than XX days on the same island.

Keep in mind that anchoring is only allowed on certain beaches of the islands. You have all the information in the Galicia Sailing guide. When making the reservation you can see the document with the restrictions.

See the restrictions on the Wesite of the Park.


Number of anchorages permitted per day in each Island:

Cies: 75-125 anchorages (Beaches: San Martiño, Nosa Señora e Rodas).

Ons: 60-70 anchorages (Beaches: Castelo e Melide).

Sálvora: 15-20  anchorages (Beach Pazo-Almacén).



+ info Website Natural Park

Playa de Rodas. Ila do Faro Cies

Playa de Melide. Ila de Ons